The aim of the co-financing is to increase the innovation capacity and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises. The project is funded by the European Union's Pre-Accession Funds for 2019. year and from the budget of the Republic of Serbia from the division of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, and the Innovation Fund.

The project plans to upgrade the existing IS for freight railway companies with:

Development of an AI model for the expected travel time of the train on the selected route (relation), which will be connected to the existing modules:

a) Commercial – calculation of the engagement of funds, workers and energy for the precise provision of transport offers on the selected train route.

b) Transport monitoring – enabling dispatchers to better manage transport, planning staff and locomotive shifts.

c) Rolling stock – functionality of optimization of the necessary rolling stock for a given volume of transport on the train route and a defined period),

d) User module – more precise information of clients about transport, expected delivery time.

The development of a web app for users should enable users to electronically:

(a) to order wagons for transport,

b) make an offer for the carriage of goods on the route (relation) of the train for the given period,

(c) allow container terminals to order trains to dispatch trains from their terminal, or to dispatch trains from other terminals to their terminal.

(d) to enable the user to be able to follow punctually (from station-to-station) the movement of trains with their goods;

Development of Desktop APP Train Tracking in Real Mode on the Electronic Railway Map of Europe

– enabling the dispatch service to monitor the movement of trains equipped with GPS devices on the electronic track map in real mode. Due to the international nature of transport, the electronic rail map will cover the European rail network.

  • Safety of railway transport
  • Interoperability of the rail system
  • Risk management
  • Document management
  • Establishing and keeping registers of regulations
  • Staff training and education
  • Administrative procedures before institutions

Preparation of documentation for issuance of documents
  • Part A safety certificate
  • Part B safety certificate
  • ECM Certificate
  • Vehicle registration in NVR
  • Driver's licenses
  • Additional beliefs for engineers
  • Permits for railway vehicles
  • Permissions for commissioning subsystems
  • Certificates of professional competence

  • Training for establishing and implementation of the safety management system
  • Investigation of accidents and accidents
  • Regular/part-time education of executive railway workers
  • Regular/part-time examinations of executive railway workers
  • Internal control
  • Risk assessment

  • Documentation related to the safety management system 
  • Operational procedures
  • Annual Safety Reports
  • Planning of vocational education and training
  • Planning of the SMS monitoring
  • Planning of internal controls
  • Action plans for the elimination of inconsistencies in the system
  • Records
  • Acts related to industrial railways
  • Acts related to industrial sidings

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About us

Team of experienced railway professionals

We are a company founded in 2020, with the aim of offering in one place a set of consulting services, so far unavailable on the railway market.

Our team consists of experts of various professional qualifications with significant experience in railways.

We offer services in the field of transport, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering, as well as other services in accordance with customers’ needs and requirements, in order to ensure safe railway operation.

We are able to provide support in all aspects of railway safety and interoperability.

1. Information system for freight transport management

Information system for the management of the transport of goods (management of all business processes of the transport of goods: cost calculator, contracting of transport, realisation of the contracted transport in real time on the electronic map of the tracks, optimal use of rolling stock and personnel, management of work tasks of engine drivers, train drivers and car inspectors. Automated production of complete driving documentation (consignment note, additional sheet to the consignment note, bill of lading, brake report calculation of actual transport costs...). In addition to the core module, it also has noncore modules for KNOWLEDGE TESTING and DMS. A special AI model has been developed to calculate the expected travel time used in:

a) Commercial functions – precise calculation of resource engagement: driving capacity, hired staff and energy consumption – detailed calculation of revenues and costs per contracted transport. (planned train costs), as well as a detailed calculation of the actual cost of the train based on the realization of the transport.

b) Real-time transport management – the AI model allows transport dispatchers to be able to simulate the future situation in order to better manage transport, plan staff and locomotive shifts.

c) Rolling stock – the functionality of optimizing the necessary rolling stock for a given volume and period of transport.

d) The AI model also enables better use of BI for reporting, which enables complete monitoring and controlling from the operational to the tactical and strategic level.

e) Quality informing users by automatically generating e-mails or displaying trains on the electronic track map.

 2. Information System for Container Terminal Management

Integrated information system for container terminal management enables IT support for all business processes of the container terminal, connection with the information systems of shipping companies, clients, railway infrastructure managers, goods operators and customs.

The creation of electronic supporting documents for containers, trains and trucks and their distribution to customs and inspection authorities creates conditions that border formalities can be done much faster, which would result in a significant reduction in dealing with trains at the border, but it would also allow border formalities to be carried out at a logistics centre or a junction railway station. The IS for container terminal management enables:

And. Electronic announcement of the receipt or dispatch of containers by clients terminal.
b. Possibility for the client to book trains for the shipment of containers from the terminal.
c. Managing the reception and dispatch of containers by train, truck and ship.
d. Creation of work orders for storage and tracking of all containers by terminal positions and locations.
e. Creation of work orders for secondary and tertiary terminal services.
f. A list and checklist of container status at the terminal.
g. Create orders for manipulations and other services provided by the terminal.
h. Automatic calculation of service costs for a selected client and a defined period – automatic invoicing.
And. Ability to record extended processing time for full and empty containers at the terminal with automatic invoicing.
j. With the help of the BI module, the creation of numerous reports that enable complete monitoring and controlling of the terminal's operation. Lor

3. Information System for Management of Rolling Stock Exploitation

Management of the inventory fleet, inventory of rolling stock, management of maintenance of rolling stock (defects, creation of work orders, maintenance norms...), maintenance management in order to increase the productivity of rolling stock, monitoring of revenues per rolling stock, calculation of the required rolling stock depending on the volume of transport (operational and strategic planning).

4. Information system for knowledge management

Database of regulations (international and national regulations), formation of collections of regulations for individual positions, testing of knowledge with the possibility of generating tests at the request of HR, or self-initiated testing of knowledge.

RDX Ltd. Belgrade offers professional support in achieving safe railway operations

we can offer our services in the field of railway safety and interoperability

Professional support

Our team gathers professionals of different backgrounds with significant experience in the railway sector and a network of expert associates from all areas of the railway system.


We have extensive experience in administrative procedures and we can provide help in obtaining all the necessary documents for companies, railway vehicles or railway workers issued by state authorities and institutions.


We prepare for you all types of internal documents, operational and written procedures as well as strategic documents in the field of railway traffic safety

Vocational education and training

We organize and conduct all types of vocational trainings as well as regular and part-time education for railway workers in cooperation with our network of professional associates from all areas of the railway system.


For you, we develop, implement, update and execute the safety management system - SMS, either for certain areas of operation or for the whole system.

Railway vehicles

We provide professional assistance in the preparation of the documentation and organization of the necessary tests and other activities in the procedures for obtaining the necessary documents for railway vehicles or when registering in the NVR.

How to find us?